Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What Will We Do Now?

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Ignoring or acting in conflict with the Constitution is breaking the law - the highest law in the land of the United States! Don't break the law. Don't help anybody else break the law! Listen to this fascinating podcast, and find out what your role is in enforcing the Constitution. Respect for rights listed in the Bill of Rights is fundamental to life in a free society, and strikes fear into the hearts of dictators.... Introduction to Oath Keepers, a heroic organization of real Americans.

Does the administration exist under Obama... has the Supreme Law Enforcing Court dropped the ball deliberately?

The Most Important Podcast You Will Ever Hear - Part 2, "The Hope and the Destiny of America now rests with YOU."

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Post Obama Nation 5-31-2010

"The Hope and the Destiny of America now rests with YOU." What happens when the institutions of power in a nation collapse? When they lose their authority? Does the "government of the people and by the people," actually become a more tangible reality then? You will hear in B. H. Obama's own spoken words exactly what his own ideas and plans are for the future of your constituion are, when he thinks only his radical friends are listening! However, does this mean that he is not - and never has been - the "president"? After all, how does one record a valid oath of office - taken "without purpose of evasion or deception" - when it is known all along and quite easily provable that one is lying even while it is recorded? The conequences of one of our 5-21-2010 podcast are brought to their inevitable conclusion, with this stunning vindication of our Founding Fathers' wisdom. Listen to this second in this series of the three most important podcasts you will ever hear!

As a bonus, hear the Ambassador of Kenya tell you about the monument being built in B. H. Obama's place of birth in Mombasa, Kenya (nope, not kidding), and how pleased they are about the first "Luo Tribe" African "president" of the United States! We're not making any of this up... you hear it in the very words spoken by the people themselves! "President elect Obama's birthplace over in Kenya... is that going to be a national spot to go visit where he was born?" "It is already an attraction... it's already is well known! [Kenyan Ambassador speaking]" It's only a "secret" in the United States any more! Get in on it!

The Culmination

SAVE AMERICA by listening to this!


The culmination of the three part series of the most important podcast you will ever hear is brought into stunning clarity. The constitution's place is described as the supreme law of the land in the United States (this is where the name of the Supreme Court comes from... not because the court itself is 'supreme', but because their job (when they do it) is to enforce the Supreme Law of the Land. The president and the Congress get what authority they do have from the Constitution... not the other way around. When they fail to act according to the Constitution, their authority is lost. All power in the US must derive from the those powers delegated by the Constitution... or they do not exist. This is critical for every citizen of the US to understand, because you all own the Constitution, and it is of no use to you if you have no idea what it does! Like we said, one of the most important podcasts you will ever hear!!

Does the administration exist under Obama... has the Supreme Law Enforcing Court dropped the ball deliberately?